Haidt has no home here. But in all seriousness, it's not your readers who need to hear this, but those on the morning talk shows that keep platforming him. His hack version of moral panic somehow sits well with mainstream producers and it's a disservice to parents and children everywhere.
My kid has a smart phone. He's in 6th going into 7th. Look I don't think they should be able to have them out in the classroom, but elsewhere, come on. Especially with active shooters, I want to know where my kiddo is.
Haidt has no home here. But in all seriousness, it's not your readers who need to hear this, but those on the morning talk shows that keep platforming him. His hack version of moral panic somehow sits well with mainstream producers and it's a disservice to parents and children everywhere.
I've said Haidt is full of it for years. Most women that study tech don't agree with his easy answers to difficult questions.
I've always said our kids have problems because of fear of mass shootings, climate change, home prices out of reach, etc... Not because of phones.
My kid has a smart phone. He's in 6th going into 7th. Look I don't think they should be able to have them out in the classroom, but elsewhere, come on. Especially with active shooters, I want to know where my kiddo is.